Vendors and Advertising
Over the past several years, each Moppet Togs sale has drawn over 500 consignors and thousands of shoppers per sale that are predominantly expectant mothers and families with newborns and children between the ages of 1 and about 10 years of age. These families are very conscience of the state of the environment and support Moppet Tog’s commitment to sustainability.
If this is the demographic that your business targets then the Moppet Togs website will be a great e for you to advertise and the Moppet Togs Sales would be a great place to have a vendor space.
Click Here for a cost analysis of why partnering with Moppet Togs for local marketing may be the best investment you will ever make.
If you have already decided to purchase advertising on our website or a reserve a vendor booth at out next sales, Click Here to go directly to the Vendor or Advertising Request Form.
If you require additional information about opportunities to partner with Moppet Togs, please continue to scroll down.
Demographic Targeting
Demographic Targeting is a marketing technique that relies on marketing your products and services to exactly the right audience. As an example, you wouldn’t get a very good Return on Investment (ROI) on your marketing investment if you targeted moms and their children to sell lawn mowers or beer? However, if your product or services are specifically designed for moms and their children and/or also support sustainability and giving back to the Treasure Valley community, then Moppet Togs will generate a very high ROI on your marketing investment.
To enable you to take advantage of this opportunity, we have developed several marketing packages:
- Sponsor the Moppet Togs Event (various levels are available)
- Advertise on the Moppet Togs Website
- Have a vendor booth at the next Moppet Togs event
Click Here for a cost analysis of why partnering with Moppet Togs for local marketing may be the best investment you will ever make.
If you have already decided to purchase advertising on our website or a reserve a vendor booth at out next sales, Click Here to go directly to the Vendor or Advertising Request Form.
If you require additional information about opportunities to partner with Moppet Togs, please continue to scroll down.
Starting with the Spring 2020 Sale, Moppet Togs will be partnering with a lead Gold Sponsor and offering the opportunity for Silver and Bronze sponsors.
Gold Sponsor
Limited to 1-
Named Gold Sponsor on Website
Named Gold Sponsor on eMails
Weekly Instagram Posts
Weekly Twitter Posts
Gold Sponsor on Facebook Page
Weekly Facebook Posts
Full Website Page
Largest Booth
Other Joint Marketing
Bronze Sponsor
Limited to 10-
Bronze Sponsor on Website
Bronze Sponsor on eMails
Bronze Sponsor Instagram Posts
Bronze Sponsor Twitter Posts
Bronze Sponsor on Facebook Page
Bronze Sponsor Facebook Posts
Bronze Sponsor Page
Standard Booth
Other Joint Marketing
Silver Sponsor
Limited to 10-
Sliver Sponsor on Website
Silver Sponsor on eMails
Silver Sponsor Instagram Post
Silver Sponsor Twitter Post
Silver Sponsor on Facebook Page
Silver Sponsor Facebook Posts
Silver Sponspor Page
2 Standard Booths
Other Joint Marketing
Example of Silver Sponsor
Click Here to go to our Sponsorship and Vendors page.
Example of Bronze Sponsor
Click Here to go to our Sponsorship and Vendors page.
If you have a website, Facebook page or other landing page, you can place your digital logo or ad on the Moppet Togs website for $150 for 6 months. Please note that we can support several ad sizes. Once payment has been received, Moppet Togs will contact you to provide instructions for providing us with a digital logo or ad. Please note that If you don’t have a digital logo or ad, we will create one for you for $100.
Click Here for a cost analysis of why partnering with Moppet Togs for local marketing may be the best investment you will ever make.
Vendor Booth
If your product or service is targeted at pregnant woman and moms and dads under the age of 40 with children under the age of 15 and you want to personally meet and talk to your potential customers, reserving a vendor booth at the next Moppet Togs Sale will provide a great ROI on your investment. There will be 550 Consignors pre-shopping on Tuesday night, 150 Shoppers on Wednesday Charity Night and 10,000 shoppers during the public sale Thursday Friday and Saturday.
These families are also very conscience of the state of the environment and support Moppet Tog’s commitment to sustainability.
If this is the demographic that your business targets then the Moppet Togs sales will be a great place for you to have a vendor booth.
Click Here for a cost analysis of why partnering with Moppet Togs for local marketing may be the best investment you will ever make.
If you have decided to advertise on the Moppet Togs, Click Here to go directly to the Vendor or Advertising Request Form. We will contact you to discuss your request.
Vendor Booth
Limited Space-
600+ Consignors
Thousands of Shoppers
8 X 8 Booth
Open Tuesday Night
Open Wednesday Night
Open all day Thursday
Open all day Friday
Open Friday night
Open half day Saturday
Vendor or Advertising Request
Please fill out and submit the following form
Idaho State Sales Tax
Event ID: | Will Be Available in April 2024 |
Start Date: | April 10, 2024 |
End Date: | April 14, 2024 |
Location: | 5610 NORTH GLENWOOD STREET |
GARDEN VALLEY, ID 83714-0000 |
All vendors need to go to the Idaho Sales Tax website and register as a seller with WITH an EVENT ID.
- Go to and under “Sellers and Promoters” click “Register as a Temporary Seller or Promoter.”
- Choose “Seller WITH Event ID” > “Next”
- Choose “I am going to an event” > “Next”
- Enter the Event ID > “Next”
- Enter your Seller Information > “Next”
- Choose Purpose: “I am not making taxable sales,” “I have a regular permit” or “I need a temporary permit.” > “Next”
- Review your entry > “Submit”
- Check your email account for further instructions or attached Temporary Sellers Permit (if applicable)
The Cost of Marketing

Moppet Togs Supports Red Cross
While we are all trying to figure out our path through this COVID-19 pandemic the Red Cross is very low on blood. Nathan has reached out to Moppet Togs to ask our amazing community to consider donating if they are physically able.

Marketing with Moppet Togs
The cost of marketing your products and services with Moppet Togs is very competitive with a crazy high ROI

Moppet Togs Moves to Expo Idaho
Moppet Togs is moving to Expo Idaho starting with the Spring 2020 Sale

Moppet Togs Launches New Website
Moppet Togs launches new Website to meet the demands of millennial moms with a modern and automated user experience and AI driven chatbots
By participating in Moppet Togs, you are helping to sustain the environment by recycling clothes, toys, furniture and other items that would normally end up in landfills and require the unnecessary use of our limited natural resources to manufacture new ones.